Sunday, August 19, 2007

times of crisis

i'm thinking about crisis right now.

i have 3 friends in jamaica right now with a team of high schoolers. and they are getting slammed with hurricane dean. we may loose contact with them soon. we just don't know what will happen. in times like these, with so much unknown, you don't know if the choices you make are going to be right or wrong. because you have no idea what the outcome will be.

earlier this week another friend got a phone call that her brother had been in a wreck. as of right now he's paralyzed from the neck down. he's had a surgery to stabalize him, but it will be weeks before they will be able to see if he can regain any feeling.

both situations seem grim. hopeless.

it reminds me of a time when my newborn nephew lay in a hospital attached to machines that pumped his heart and lungs for him. the doctors didn't hold out much hope for him either.

but then God's people prayed. and he breathed. on his own. something the doctors said was impossible. God healed my nephew completely. it was, in all accounts, a miracle.

so now we pray again. knowing that God is a miracle worker. that He is more powerful than any force in this world.

with God there is always reason to hope.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you abby. I miss you very much. I will pray for your friends.